Sunday, January 24, 2016

Routine, Routine, Routine

When you first move to a new country, the first few months are spent in an excited daze. Everything is new and there is so much to explore. It's at times, an overload. But for me, that is my favorite time when I go to live in a new place. I'm addicted to meeting new people, hearing a new language, seeing and trying new foods, and pondering ways in which this new culture is different from my own. I also like that during those few months, I observe enough to begin forming conclusions about the people and their culture. Traveling to a place for a week or two does not allow for that. You have no time to immerse yourself in the culture. I almost don't see the point of traveling if you don't have the time to know what it is like to live there and allow yourself enough time to really get a feel for it.

And yet, time slides by. Pretty soon, you're six months in and comfortable in your new home. This is my least favorite time. I hate losing the excitement and wonder of the first couple of months. I hate having the feeling of boredom slowly seep into each day. Each day becomes like clockwork. Get up, go to school, come home. I have settled into a routine. After a few setbacks, I am finally taking Spanish lessons 2-3 times a week. I have a teacher that was provided by the school and one teacher that has been used by all of the foreigners at my school for years. His name is Jaime and he's fantastic. I don't even feel like I am studying when I have class with him. It's just a conversation and each time, I walk away with a little more Spanish. I wish I had his patience with my own students. Many of you also read that I have started salsa lessons. I am going to have those lessons three times a week. Hence, routine. Monday-Friday could not be any more jam packed for me. It's time to bite the bullet, stop feeling like I'm on a vacation, and make my life here. I am thoroughly enjoying this new country. This time last year I was sending out resume after resume to any school that wasn't in Turkey. This year, I am relaxed in the feeling that I will be here for another year and a half. I am excited to become fluent in Spanish and maybe a pro at salsa dancing? (Fat chance).

The school is the only thing that keeps my happiness at bay. It's not a terrible school or anything, but teaching two groups of 25 students is a big adjustment after only having 8 students in Turkey and no more than 12 at a time in Korea. It takes everything I have to keep order in my classroom for four hours a day with that many students. I have also been feeling that I'm not really influencing the students' lives as much as I would like. That's why I got in to teaching. I have a belief that teachers have the possibility to strongly change the world just by being in the classroom with the people who will take over it one day. There are many reasons for why I feel that I don't make much of a difference at this school and I won't go into it here. I just share it in order to say that it has led me to actually truly consider going back to school. I may try to specialize in something where I can work closely with a few students. Who knows. I'm still thinking. I have a little time until I have to start making plans again (which I'm the worst at).

Coming back to routine. The word for 2016. It's time for me to become a more responsible adult and form better habits for myself. I know resolutions are so cliche, especially ones having to do with health. But, I don't care. Any day is a good day to change yourself for the better. My new year's resolution is to be a better person. I will become fluent in another language, I will start exercising more with salsa being a step in that direction, I will drink less, I will be more organized, and I will overall make better decisions for myself. Feel free to harass me about this. I want to accomplish all of these things and you guys can help.

Well folks, I think that's all I have for you for now. Unfortunately, with routine brings blog posts that aren't so exciting to read. Hopefully you'll stick with me though.

Love you all and miss you (if you are not currently reading this from the home you live in in Ecuador. Then I don't miss you.)